Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Meanwhile, Scientific Advances!

Artwork: The presumed black hole revealed itself by tearing a star apart
A team of astronomers has found what it says is the best evidence yet for an elusive class of black holeThey say the presumed "intermediate-mass" black hole betrayed its existence by tearing apart a wayward star that ventured too close.

These medium-sized objects are a long-sought "missing link" in the evolution of the cosmos.
Researchers used two X-ray observatories, along with the Hubble telescope, to identify the object.
"Intermediate-mass black holes are very elusive objects, and so it is critical to carefully consider and rule out alternative explanations for each candidate," said Dr Dacheng Lin, from the University of New Hampshire in Durham, US, who led the study (continues).


  1. Cool! I confess, though, I didn't know there was a black hole-related "missing link" in the evolution of the cosmos -- aside from the big one just before the bang at the beginning. In any event, it's nice to focus for a moment on news that has nothing to do with pandemic.

    1. Ha, ha! Neither did I. And I had also forgotten the somewhat counter-intuitive fact that there is no hole inside a black hole; just very dense, very heavy matter.
