Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Last Call

Tonight I will host the last Happiness Hour for this semester. Please join me on Zoom. Let's raise a glass to Phil. After all, it's not often you can take a course in atheism. I suggest we share with him a bit of what we got out of the course.

Meeting ID: 903 806 2486
6:10 p.m., after the Huntley Brinkley Report


  1. I was always a Cronkite man myself, but that blast from the past is wonderful. Wouldn't these hard times be so much easier to take if we still had David and Chet and Walter to walk us through them!

    Good night, Chet. Thanks, Ed.

  2. Postscript: Nice zooming with you guys, too bad the automated plug got pulled before we said proper goodbyes. Thanks for setting these sessions up, Ed. Au revoir, as Nixon said when he left the White House, "'til we meet again"...
