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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Ann Druyan & Carl Sagan

Fascinating wide-ranging conversation with Cosmos co-creator, Carl Sagan's widow Ann Druyan. Half an hour in, they discuss concepts of an afterlife very much in the spirit of This Life and the notion that meaning comes to us precisely when we acknowledge that we're finite beings who've learned to embrace and treasure the transitory time of our lives. If you want meaning, Carl said, do something meaningful. She also talks about why she and Carl, both atheists, resisted militant atheism.


Michael Shermer with Ann Druyan — Cosmos: Possible Worlds

Cosmos: Possible Worlds (book cover)
In this sequel to Carl Sagan’s beloved classic and the companion to the hit television series hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson, the primary author of all the scripts for both this season and the previous season of Cosmos, Ann Druyan explores how science and civilization grew up together. From the emergence of life at deep-sea vents to solar-powered starships sailing through the galaxy, from the Big Bang to the intricacies of intelligence in many life forms, Druyan documents where humanity has been and where it is going, using her unique gift of bringing complex scientific concepts to life. With evocative photographs and vivid illustrations, she recounts momentous discoveries, from the Voyager missions in which she and her husband, Carl Sagan, participated to Cassini-Huygens’s recent insights into Saturn’s moons. This breathtaking sequel to Sagan’s masterpiece explains how we humans can glean a new understanding of consciousness here on Earth and out in the cosmos — again reminding us that our planet is a pale blue dot in an immense universe of possibility. Druyan and Shermer also discuss:
  • how to write a script for a television series
  • her 20 years with Carl Sagan and what their collaboration meant
  • how she dealt with her grief after Carl’s death (and how any of us can deal with such pain)
  • who the Voyager records were really for
  • Breakthrough Starshot
  • science and religion
  • God and morality
  • free will and determinism
  • the hard problem of consciousness
  • the Fermi Paradox (where is everybody?)
  • women in science
  • how we can eventually settle on other worlds, and
  • how to reach the stars … and beyond.
Ann Druyan is a celebrated writer and producer who co-authored many bestsellers with her late husband, Carl Sagan. She also famously served as creative director of the Voyager Golden Record, sent into space 40 years ago. Druyan continues her work as an interpreter of the most important scientific discoveries, partnering with NASA and the Planetary Society. She has served as Secretary of the Federation of American Scientists and is a laureate of the International Humanist Academy. Most recently, she received both an Emmy and Peabody Award for her work in conceptualizing and writing National Geographic’s first season of Cosmos.
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Carl Sagan | Do something meaningful.


The Possibility of Life in the Universe

This lecture by Carl Sagan was delivered in 1979 to a packed university auditorium in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It reflects the science of that time, and in the Q&A Dr. Sagan addresses the related claim that not only is there definitive proof for the existence of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence in the cosmos, ETIs have visited Earth. Dr. Sagan’s exquisite deconstruction of such claims is a classic exercise in skeptical and critical thinking.
Recorded by Frederick Malmstrom.
Audio Processing by Michael Aisner.
Thank you to Frederick Malmstrom for recording this lecture in 1979 and for sending it to us along with this photograph of Jupiter autographed by Carl Sagan (below).
Jupiters red spot signed by Carl Sagan
SKEPTIC (logo)

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