Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Interesting Video

As a lover and adamant thinker of "What if's?", I find videos that discuss the possibilities of What ifs to be very interesting.

Given our recent talks of Earth day, and human involvement in her decline, I'm posting this to see if 1. You've seen this video before
2. What are your thoughts?


  1. If humans disappeared I'd be very sad... that is, I'd be sad if I knew they were going to soon disappear. I'm pretty invested emotionally and parentally in the continuation and flourishing of our form of life. Most of us are, whether we realize it or not. That's the upshot of
    Samuel Scheffler's take on this question in his book "Death and the Afterlife" and in this short piece from The Stone:


  2. Perhaps I wish too much for a Utopian future, but I do believe that the only that we can have a better future is to live beside nature rather than trudging through it. We focus so much on our increased usage of valuable resources, but we neglect the research into ways to restore animal life and replenish those resources whilst using more forgiving resources to fuel our society.

    1. I know what you mean, and I fundamentally agree. But I also don't think there's any turning back from the marriage, for better or worse, of nature and HUMAN nature. We've had an irreversible impact and will continue to have an impact, until or unless nature shakes us off as an invasive species. Since I don't want that to happen, I have to hope humans will get better at integrating with the rest of nature rather than just trying to subsist alongside it in some sort of parallel and separable existence. That bird has already flown, nature untouched by the human presence is long gone. But the end of "Nature" doesn't have to be the end of Nature 2.0, yet.

  3. You might be interested in a show called "Life After People" I loved it when I first watched it a few years back. It is about the world after we have gone, they do not elaborate on what happened to humans, only that they have suddenly left to world and shows how the earth will reclaim itself and the residual effects of our society.

  4. I think the world would be run smoothly and in balance far as environmentally wise, but then again I don't know the whole food chain. Human do have an upper-hand on animals. Or maybe the world will be like Lion King and the animals will develop their own sense of order.
