Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Final report, final review

REMINDER: There will be no final exam. Course grades will be based on participation and reports. The final report can expand on your midterm topic,if you wish. It should include bloggish content like hyperlinks, video embeds (copy and past the YouTube embed code, make sure the formatting doesn't spill over the margin), images, etc. 

You may also post a short (500+ words) final review of our texts (Baggini, Neuroexistentialism, This Life, Ruse) for extra credit, reflecting on what each has contributed to your present perspective on atheism, secularism, humanism etc. 

OR, you may submit an expanded review (1,500+ words) as your final report...

If you want to get creative with the final review, here's a suggestion: consider writing it in the form of a dialogue featuring several of our authors and yourself in imaginary conversation: base their statements on quotes and paraphrases drawn from the texts we read during the semester, documenting those sources parenthetically; have the authors  interact with one another and with you, touching on the major themes we've addressed: meaning, evolution, existentialism, free will, naturalism, secularism, spirituality etc. 

Have fun with the format, while being faithful to the authors' actual views as you understand them. 

Whichever report/review option you select, the last draft is due May 5 (but if you just want to do an extra credit review, that's due on Tuesday Apr 28th. You may still choose later to expand and submit it as your final report on May 5.

If you're not yet an author on this site, email me to request an invitationPhil.Oliver@mtsu.edu.

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