Up@dawn 2.0

Friday, April 3, 2020

Spinoza's humanity

Highly recommended:


  1. Thank you. And now I'm following Spinoza on twitter; cool.

    1. There are lots of good philosophers, living and dead, on Twitter. Eric Weiner (author of "The Geography of Happiness," with a new book "The Socrates Express" coming this summer) says "I follow lots of dead philosophers on Twitter, which is fine, but find it kind of creepy when they follow me back."

      A list of "philosophers' favorite twitter follows (Look who's #1): https://truesciphi.org/phi_fav.html

  2. Seeking to validate sub-humanity doctrines even with the best of intentions only leads to tragedy. Who is the arbiter of what is reasonable? Who get's to judge whether you should or shouldn't have viewed something as reasonable?
