Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, March 23, 2020

Classes resume remotely this week

LISTEN... This crazy semester & This Life (Uad): LISTEN

Fellow A&P learners:

What a couple of weeks it's been! I hope you're all well, and taking adequate precautions against infection (either contracting or spreading).

With the extension of Spring Break due to concerns over the growing coronavirus pandemic, and with President McPhee's announcement that the balance of our semester will be conducted remotely, we'll carry on as best we can on our this platform.

Please make extensive use of our site, recommencing March 23... or earlier, if you're so inclined. It's crucial that you do so. (To those who've been steady contributors all along: thank you, keep up the good work.) Post your own comments, questions, links (etc.) and reply to your classmates' posts. Respond to my discussion questions, and to your classmates' and your own. Your goal is still to earn a participation run by collecting 4 bases (1 run) prior to each scheduled class (so, 8 bases/2 runs per week). Since you won't be getting a base for showing up in class, many of you will need to up your game at least to that degree. Look for classmates' comments with which you can engage constructively, and contribute to threads of conversation that will enhance everyone's learning experience in this virtual classroom.

Keep a dated, itemized record of everything you post, and submit that information weekly in your last post (on Friday, I suggest) in lieu of the daily scorecard.

I'll continue to post pertinent audio recordings (click on "LISTEN") and videos. You may wish to do likewise.

Those who've not yet given your midterm presentations: please adapt them for online "presentation" in any creative way you see fit, including (if you choose) audio or video components, slideshows (slideshare.net makes it easy to post those), etc., and post them at will. Same goes for final report blog posts.

Continue regularly to check updates under "NEXT" for the latest and most accurate course information.

If you have questions or concerns, post them under the current quiz or email me directly (not via D2L): phil.oliver@mtsu.edu. Minimally, please reply to this post to acknowledge that you have received and read it.

This is obviously not the way we wanted to do it, but let's make it work... and let's overcome this challenging moment. Take care, and be well.


P.S. And for possible future reference,

How to Have a Successful Virtual Happy Hour

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