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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Everyday Morality Pt. 1: The Morality of Heroes

We can sit and talk all day long about the thinkers of old and new, the inner workings of logic,  and whether one may be Moral or not without religion.  However, I believe there is practical proof of morality without Deity.  I will explore in these Blog posts The Several  instances where I myself find morality without Deity and discuss whether or not they are good terms for morality. (That’s me admitting that I will include Subjective evidence and

I Assume for these arguments that there is some greater “Good.” Not in the form of some “thing” or deity but rather a “Form” of good that transcends the understanding of most people.

These should  be used in aspiration of gaining better understanding of the “Good” But the nature of my theory is that People will naturally do this subconsciously, and not actively and consciously.  However, that is not to say that consciously thinking about it does not help or that it is not enjoyable in and of itself.
Pt. 1
The Morality of  a Hero.
One way that I found a great sense of morality in my life is looking up to Hero’s. One good example is Super Heroes.
In this instance a “Good” hero is anyone(or Thing) that either
A: Naturaly representative of the Good
B: More intune with the “Good” than the average person and consciously representative of it.
Such Heros, Unlike most deities, do not usually command others to be more like them or do as they say (Unless they are a super hero and you are a lawbreaker) They instead inspire others to become closer to the “Good.”  Heroes are Role modles, not dictators. Some may think this holds a similar problem to the “does ‘God’ like something because it is moral, or is it moral because he likes it” but to me it does not. It lacks negative implications that the argument the terms of gods. A hero performs good actions because they are good, there is an outside something that makes them good, But because they do not claim to be the ultimate authority I do not see any inherent contradiction. This does  imply some greater form of “Good” but as I said, it more as an example of a Form, that the higher “Good” may be simply that, a form. 
In my subscription to the Morality of the Hero I do see a very practical sence of morality, the exact motivator of  good behavior does not matter, whatever makes one do good is good enough. Be it simply for that Warm fuzzy feelings, To inspire others, or even that Uncle Ben told you that you have the power to do good and therefore the responsibility to do good (Though he said it in not so many words.)
Having someone to look up to can make one a better person.  By looking up to a great role model I forged within myself who I know I am and who I need to be.  The morality of the Hero is what brought me the name “Radiance.”  Radiance is my Inner Image of who I feel I really am, Myself as a Hero, And it is my constant strive to act like “Radiance” and help people when I have the power to help them, To treat all people equal because I know everyone has a little hero in them, and to make people smile because each smile makes this world just a little brighter. 
Heroes, Role models, not deities.
(P.S. on the final note of my entry, I would like to included a special thank you to my Class mates who have refered to me as Radiance. It is something I never thought I’d ever get to hear people refer to me by. Thank you, it means more to me than any of you know.)


  1. I think this is indeed a possible way to arrive at a morality or a way to be good, but how can one be sure the hero he or she is looking up to is moral or good? Is it that one only idolizes those similar enough to oneself that the reasons for their actions seem to resonate with him or her? If thats the case how can we ever be sure that the heroes are actually good if we never question their actions or simply assume they are good because they are at the forefront of society?

  2. It's pretty "super" when one's peers offer unqualified acceptance and support, isn't it? Our heros and role models definitely don't have to be divine, just human (but human at their best).
