Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid

It's not just a phase. 

What would it have been like to live in Babel in the days after its destruction? In the Book of Genesis, we are told that the descendants of Noah built a great city in the land of Shinar. They built a tower "with its top in the heavens" to "make a name" for themselves. God was offended by the hubris of humanity and said:

Look, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do; nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down, and confuse their language there, so that they will not understand one another's speech.

The text does not say that God destroyed the tower, but in many popular renderings of the story he does, so let's hold that dramatic image in our minds: people wandering amid the ruins, unable to communicate, condemned to mutual incomprehension.

The story of Babel is the best metaphor I have found for what happened to America in the 2010s, and for the fractured country we now inhabit. Something went terribly wrong, very suddenly. We are disoriented, unable to speak the same language or recognize the same truth. We are cut off from one another and from the past.

It's been clear for quite a while now that red America and blue America are becoming like two different countries claiming the same territory, with two different versions of the Constitution, economics, and American history. But Babel is not a story about tribalism; it's a story about the fragmentation of everything. It's about the shattering of all that had seemed solid, the scattering of people who had been a community. It's a metaphor for what is happening not only between red and blue, but within the left and within the right, as well as within universities, companies, professional associations, museums, and even families... (Jonathan Haidt, continues)

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about how the red and blue maps of the United States tend to encourage us to think of entire areas of the country as having only one extreme political orientation. The truth is that in all of those blue and red areas there are many different shades of opinions on a continuum and not exclusively extreme red or blue views of the world. It is similar to when the DSM manual was updated after many years of presenting mental health as diagnostic categories. The new DSM now presents a continuum for the diagnosis of, for example, depression ranging from mild depression to full blown psychosis. That is more accurately representative of human mental health and realizing that there are ranges of views in all of those areas portrayed as red or blue is a more accurate view of the political climate of the country today.
