Friday, April 8, 2022

Questions Apr 12

AC 3-4; LBH (rec.) -113. Presentation: Javan... 

1. What's a caliphate?

2. What American philosopher advised Ataturk on his secular reforms in Turkey?

3. What Islamic tradition taught a social morality of toleration? 

4. What 1948 Declaration is a peak of secularist achievement and the antithesis of theocracy? 

5. J.S. Mill encouraged his readers to value not just experience but also what? 

6. What was John Rawls's way to test the fairness of the social contract? 


  • Is there a serious possibility that something like an unofficial Christian caliphate might ever ascend to power in America?
  • If pragmatism is anti-authoritarian, should Dewey have had anything to do with Ataturk?
  • Is human nature more like a machine or a tree? Or both? Or neither? 48
  • "There is no compulsion in religion," says the Quran, but is conformism in human nature a de facto form of compulsion? 49
  • Can we be sure that a veil-of-ignorance contract would support secularism? 51
  • If a veil of ignorance could be technologically simulated by some future application of neuroscience, should it be? 

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