Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Exam 2 (APR 26) Review

Review Video Recording: Access PASSCODE: SRJV6%+&

Exam covering odd-numbered single-digit questions (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) in March & April, plus bonus questions on presentations & Little Book of Humanism

Life After Faith (LAF) preface, 1

1. How did James characterize fervent unbelief?

2. What is the "core of secularist doubt"?

3. What's a sensu divinitatis?

4. Religious epistemologists neglect what?

5. What was Clifford's position on the ethics of belief?

6. What's "soft atheism"?

LAF ch2-


1. (Again:) Plato's Euthyphro poses what dilemma, and why does the popular perception of a tight link between religion and ethics persist?


2. Saying that ethical deliberations answer only to a local ethical code leads to what?


3. In the rudimentary ethical project of our ancestors, the likeliest emotion motivating conformity was what? (Hint: listen to the 2,000 Year Old Man...transcript)


4. What is the important achievement of ethical revolutionaries?


5. What Deweyan judgment does Kitcher say we should endorse?


6. The center of secular value is what?

1. Name one of Kitcher's assumptions he says "refined religion" abandons.

2. What is it about mortality and meaning that refined religion poses as a challenge to the secularist?

3. Name a famous defender of refined religion from the past century.

4. Full-blooded truth presupposes what?

5. What is a "true myth"?

6. What kind of future do secularists like Kitcher envisage?

1. Secularists can agree with Hamlet, that death is nothing to fear, if they dismiss what possibility?

2. What lies behind the sense of horror at the prospect of non-existence?

3. Meaningful lives do and do not require what?

4. Kitcher wants to resist what temptation?

5. What are the chief sources of pessimism?

6. By what does Kitcher want scriptures to be superseded?

Humanism: A Very Short Introduction by Stephen Law (SL), intro, 1-2

1. Law says humanists oppose what forms of coercion?

2. The Carvaka school in India illustrates what point? 

3. Why is Aristotle significant to humanists?

4 What did Seneca say about religion?

5. What did Averroes say about the interpretation of scripture?

6. Sapere aude means what?

7. What did Hume say about his finger?

8. In what sense were the new ethical societies of the 19th century religious?

9. What did the Minnesota study reveal about how atheists in America are commonly regarded?

Chapter 2 

1. According to Law, why do those who believe in God "suppose their belief is not un reasonable"?

2. How does the cosmological argument explain the existence of the natural world?

3. Why do some theists argue that God must "necessarily" exist?

4. What is a "Woozle" according to Law?

5. What are some of the "remarkable features" of the natural world?

6. In artificial selection breeders select the animal or plant with the qualities they want. How does Darwin's natural selection process work?

7. What theory caused the decline of Paley's argument of design in nature?

8. Why does Law conclude that Behe's argument for intelligent design is a myth and what was dishonest about this argument?

9. What is a key idea on which the fine-tuning argument is based?

10. What do those who explain the features of the universe as "something merely analogous to an intelligent agent" have to explain?

11. What is Davies correct about according to Law?

SL 3-4

1. Many Theists respond to the logical problem of evil by asserting the possibility of a divinely-ordained what?

2. The quantity of evil in the world is relevant to which version of the problem?

3. What's an example of a second-order good alleged to require first-order evil?

4. The evil god hypothesis raises what problem?

5. The evidence of there being no evil god is also, Law suggests, evidence of what?

6. Why can't Adam & Eve's sin explain contemporary natural disasters?

7. No one insists that what is a faith position?

8. What is apophaticism?

SL 5 

1. A secular society is one in which the state is what?

2. Why isn't the UK that secular?

3. Law suggests that people of religious faith should be treated no differently than supporters of what?

4. What letter was read from the pulpit of every Catholic church in Poland in 1936?

5. How many UK citizens are unwilling to express even  a cultural connection to Christianity?

SL 6-8

1. What would be a caricature of humanist moral & religious education?

2. A humanist approach does not involve telling children what?

3. What's P4C?

4. People who sheltered Jews from the Nazis tended to have been brought up how?

5. A meaningful life, says Law, must be what?

6. Having what is not sufficient to render life meaningful?

7. How does the Euthyphro Dilemma apply to the question of meaning?

8. How does Law say humanist funerals have impacted religious funerals in Britain?

AC 1-2

1. Who coined "secularism"?


2. What three parts of secularism does Bauberot identify?


3. What three aspects of social equality of belief does Carling discuss?


4. What usurpation was commonplace in the time of Ambrose? 


5. How did Aquinas differ with Aristotle with respect to lex humana and lex divina?


6. What forms of righteousness did Luther distinguish?


7. What was Roger Williams' vision of freedom in Rhode Island? 


8. Who did John Locke say ought not to be tolerated?


9. All important Enlightenment thinkers derived the legitimacy of government from what?


10. What lavish festival in Notre Dame cathedral was organized in 1793? 


11. What recent French controversy has called that nation's commitment to equality into question? 


12. What did Jefferson tell the Danbury Baptists about a wall? 

AC 3-4

1. What's a caliphate?

2. What American philosopher advised Ataturk on his secular reforms in Turkey?

3. What Islamic tradition taught a social morality of toleration? 

4. What 1948 Declaration is a peak of secularist achievement and the antithesis of theocracy? 

5. J.S. Mill encouraged his readers to value not just experience but also what? 

6. What was John Rawls's way to test the fairness of the social contract? 

AC 5-6

1. Strictly speaking, a theocracy is a state that claims what? 

2. What did Ayatollah Khomeini assert about all the "topic[s] in human life"? 

3. What have humans rights bodies said about the Church of England? What did the Queen say in defense of the C of E's role and status? And what will secularists still say?

4. Why did Lenin consider religion a barrier to universal equality and "humanity's destiny"? 

5. What changes in Albania and Cuba were precipitated by the collapse of the USSR in 1989? 

6. What do critics of secularism say about the public/private distinction? 

7. What is pillarization, and what is its practical impact? 

8. Thinking of secularism as a broad principle of separation between religious and political authority, we're encouraged to think of it as what?

9. What (and whose) phrase has been definitive of secularism for many?

10. What's Charles Taylor's objection to John Rawls's version of secularism?

11. Britain's National Secular Society says secularism is the best chance we have to do what?

1. In which of the four secular categories is the US?

2. What's the global tendency in religion-state relations today?

3. What did the UN General Assembly say about the rights of the child in 1989?

4. What was banned in France in 2010?

5. How has Habermas shifted his position vis-a-vis Rawls's view?

6. What did the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament say in 2016 about the constitution?

7. Even in a world of diversity, says Copson, we need what?

1. In which of the four secular categories is the US?

2. What's the global tendency in religion-state relations today?

3. What did the UN General Assembly say about the rights of the child in 1989?

4. What was banned in France in 2010?

5. How has Habermas shifted his position vis-a-vis Rawls's view?

6. What did the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament say in 2016 about the constitution?

7. Even in a world of diversity, says Copson, we need what? 

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