Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Questions Apr 14

 AC 5-6; LBH -158. Presentations Conor, Gary

1. Strictly speaking, a theocracy is a state that claims what? 

2. What did Ayatollah Khomeini assert about all the "topic[s] in human life"? 

3. What have humans rights bodies said about the Church of England? What did the Queen say in defense of the C of E's role and status? And what will secularists still say?

4. Why did Lenin consider religion a barrier to universal equality and "humanity's destiny"? 

5. What changes in Albania and Cuba were precipitated by the collapse of the USSR in 1989? 

6. What do critics of secularism say about the public/private distinction? 

7. What is pillarization, and what is its practical impact? 

8. Thinking of secularism as a broad principle of separation between religious and political authority, we're encouraged to think of it as what?

9. What (and whose) phrase has been definitive of secularism for many?

10. What's Charles Taylor's objection to John Rawls's version of secularism?

11. Britain's National Secular Society says secularism is the best chance we have to do what?


  • Why do so many Americans falsely believe Christianity to be the "official" religion of the state?
  • Why do so many humans credit the second-hand testimony of others' "revelations"?
  • Don't most ancient texts fail to address nearly all the topics of modern life that matter to us?
  • Do you ever think about what a nightmare an American theocracy would be, with police enforcing religious practice etc.? Do you think it could ever happen?
  • Why aren't there more "atheist missionaries" today?
  • Are initiatives like Tennessee's new "Divisive Content" law (signed last week by the Governor) a significant step away from secularism in America?
  • What do you think of Burkean conservatism? Of Sarkozy's commitment to Catholicism and Savarkar's ethnic nationalism?
  • Is French secularism excessive?
  • Does secularism need to try harder than humanism to resist being perceived as hostile to religion? Should it downplay freedom from religion? 83-4

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