Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Lyceum speaker Richard Eldridge


Richard Eldridge
Swarthmore College

Imagining Life Together: Psychosexual Intimacy, Social Roles, and Contemporary Comedies of Remarriage

Can a successful romantic comedy that takes seriously the separateness and distinctness of persons any longer be made in the contemporary world? If so, what general shape might such a successful romantic comedy of this kind have? Addressing these questions requires and enables us to consider what psychosexual intimacy and erotic friendship are, what their value is, and whether they are any longer possible in the contemporary world. Professor Eldridge will address these questions in the context of several films, including Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Professor Eldridge, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, was the Charles and Harriett Cox McDowell Professor of Philosophy at Swarthmore College, specializing in aesthetics and philosophy of language.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

at 4:30 pm,

COE, Room 1

An Informal Reception to Follow

Richard Eldridge is Charles and Harriett Cox McDowell Professor of Philosophy at Swarthmore College (USA). He has held visiting appointments at the universities of Sydney, Brooklyn, Freiburg, Erfurt, Bremen, Stanford, and Essex. He is the author of seven books and over one hundred articles in Romanticism, the philosophy of language, the philosophy of art (especially literature, music, and film), and German Idealism, including, most recently, Werner Herzog: Philosophical Filmmaker (Bloomsbury, 2019) and Images of History: Kant, Benjamin, Freedom, and the Human Subject (Oxford, 2016), and Literature, Life, and Modernity (Columbia, 2008). He is the general series editor of Oxford Studies in Philosophy and Literature.

Some of his reviews in the LA Review of Books here...

1 comment:

  1. POSTSCRIPT. My thoughts, after the event... https://jposopher.blogspot.com/2022/04/lyceum-afterword.html?sc=1651163220155#c2309888250749791147
