Tuesday, May 5, 2020

My final detailed scorecard

March 9- 23 Spring Break and Extended Spring Break 

March 24- commented on “Walk, it’s spring” 
Commented on “Sunlight always returns” 
2 runs 

March 31 
Commented on “People care” 
Commented on” “An outdoor church service backfires 
Commented on “This is the most fun way to make your life awesome (pandemic edition) 
3 runs 

April 2 
Commented on “this too shall pass” 
Commented on “Speaking of Athens” 
Commented on “essential or sacrificial 
Commented on “the sound of silence” 
4 runs, 1 base 

April 9 
Commented on “Magdu’s midterm report” 
Commented on “we didn’t have death” 
2 runs 

April 14 
Commented on “humanism over faith” 
Commented on “the shadow of death pt 2” 
Commented on “happy advice from a great humanist” 
Commented on “Julian Baggini ref;ects on life in the time of coronavirus” 
4 runs, 1 base 

April 16 
Commented on “visitor from a distant place” 
Uploaded midterm report 
Uploaded power point slides about Sadhguru 
3 runs 

April 21 
Commented on “Wtf an economic tour of the weird" 
Posted “quarantine ideas” 
Commented on “earth day” 
3 runs 

April 28 
Commented on “can trees (and other parts of nature) sues?” 
Commented on “Overcoming partisan politics” 
Commented on Spinoza’s God” 
Commented on “A nice does of vitamin D” 
4 runs, 1 base  

April 30 
Uploaded “biblical view on climate change” 
1 run 
May 5th  
Uploaded Final report and scorecard 
2 runs 

28 runs, 7 bases 


  1. Your accounting seems to be off, if I'm understanding it. For instance, on Apr 28 you've listed 4 bases. That's 1 run. Have you just inverted the terminology? So you're actually claiming 7 runs total?

  2. Yes that is what I meant, haha. I just did that if it was easier to combine all the runs into bases.
