Friday, May 1, 2020

Friendly reminder: this is a blog

Please include bloggish content in your blog posts: hyperlinks in lieu of footnotes, relevant graphics, video embeds (copy & paste the embed code under "Share"), etc. That's half the fun of blogging, deciding how best to complement and amplify the words.

If you mention book titles, link to them on Google Books or embed them (copy and paste either the URL "share" or "embed" code). Link to relevant articles, don't just list the URLs.

How to insert hyperlinks. Just highlight the text you want to link to, and paste the URL over it. For instance, if you mention James's essay "Will to Believe" you can link to the Gutenberg edition online by pasting over that portion of your text.

If you don't know how to do any of these simple procedures, ask someone who knows. Even me. Same for proper names etc.

Let me know if you need instruction in how to do any of this. Have fun!

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