Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Final Report: Can an Atheist and Christain be friends?


Can an Atheist and Christain be friends?

By: Debria Tyler

       I grew Christian to be specific, I grew up  Church of Christ, and they often get a bad rap of being the strictest and boringest churches, since they don't have instruments. I often heard my preachers say Church of christ Christians are the only ones going to heaven because we didn't use instruments. However that was very wrong and couldn't be even further from the truth.

     I was in 7th grade when I met my then best friend Capri who grew up in a totally different household than me. She wasn't very spiritual and was a bit wild, but then again what 12 year old is deeply devoted in their faith. In high school she became an atheist. You would have thought our friendship was over but we actually became closer and we had made a rap group called Paradox. She was an atheist and I was a Christian rapper hence the paradox. We performed once and then the rap group disbanded not because of our different beliefs but because I realized I was a poet not a rapper.

    She actually helped me grow my faith and ask certain questions of my faith which lead me to more answers and opened my mind to a different worldview. Our friendship actually inspired me to sign up for this class. I was nervous at first because I thought Atheism and Satanism were cousins, but my ignorance was lifted when I realized that if they don't believe in God that means Satan doesn't exist either. Whew... I say all that to say yes an Atheist and Christain can be friends if there is respect on both sides and some open mind, this could lead to some very interesting and though provoking conversations. Could you be friends with a Christain? Here is an article about a couple one is a Christian and the other an Athestist. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/atheism-date-christian-love-religion-relationships-god-a8934071.html

1 comment:

  1. Some of my best friends are...

    That old cliche that too often signals the speaker's intolerance really can apply, when both parties are as open and curious as you are, Debria. Good for you, and for all the atheists, humanists, naturalists et al fortunate enough to call you friend. Of course it's true that those of us who disbelieve in gods also disbelieve in devils and other supernatural bogies, but WE don't often think about how that coupling looks to believers (or whether it's occurred to them). Wouldn't it be nice if everyone accepted the notion that there's room for diversity of belief AND unbelief? THere should be limits to our tolerance, we mustn't tolerate IN-tolerance... but within those bounds the world's just so much richer for our shared differences. Especially the world of the (virtual or real) classroom. Thanks for joining US this semester, good luck! (Luck's a secular concept we can all support, right?)
