Thursday, March 31, 2022

Final report presentations

Try to relate your topic to the texts we're reading now, even if you're expanding on your midterm presentation theme. 

Remember, the accompanying final blog post is due April 29 but you can post earlier drafts if you want potentially-helpful constructive feedback.

Also: Don't forget to read and comment on Grace and Adele's [and Meyer's?] midterm report posts. 

APR 7 - Samer

APR 12 - Javan

APR 14 - Conor, Gary

APR 19 - John 

APR 21 - Trevor, Meyer [& Grace, Adele, should they choose to present]


  1. I will be touring the U.S. Capital in Washington D.C. on April 7th. Also, enjoying the cherry blossom festival and some of the Smithsonian museums that week. Can I present on the 12th, 14th, or 19th instead of the 7th? Gary
