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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Malika Datta - Final report 1st installment. (Reincarnation)

Reincarnation has always been a topic of discussion throughout history and a topic that I find interest in. Hinduism describes reincarnation as the soul being reborn into a new body after death. This body can be anything from an animal to a human to an insect. The overall purpose for the soul being reincarnated is to learn lessons and complete Karmic debt.  Hindus believe that the wrong and the good you do in one life can be carried into the next and be the determining factor of whether your life will be good or bad. Including the experiences, you choose to experience.
            Although, I agree with the Hindu perspective, I would like to add a few things. I believe in soul elevation. Throughout life, you experience different lessons to help raise your vibration and elevate your spirit to ultimately transcend. You have the choice on whether you will elevate by how quickly you learn the lessons you must learn. Intuition plays a major part in guiding you through your life to help you. I feel that the more you choose to ignore your intuition or choose to remain in situations that are not beneficial to your soul’s growth, then you will continuously be reincarnated onto this plane until those lessons have been completed. The spirit within one must become in alignment with one’s higher self. Moreover, I also feel that some spirits are already evolved, and they are reincarnated for the soul purpose of helping others reach elevation so that they to can transcend.
            To further the discussion of reincarnation, I believe that if an individual is born into a life of good or bad experiences, they all can be lessons for elevation. Just because a person is born in good fortune and has money or nicer things compared to a person that is born in poverty, does not mean that the person in poverty has bad karma. They can live and learn lessons and come from poverty to in turn give back to the world. Compared to someone who is born with wealth, they can be selfish and a whole lot of other things that can in turn create bad karma for them.
            I have met many people that support this idea of soul elevation. Others believe that one’s vibration and soul can be elevated by aligning the chakras, as well as doing yoga and meditation. Moreover, the use of Reiki healing, different stones, and the use of sage, including other herbs to help protect them from negative energies and attract the energies that they want into their lives. Some people like to listen to different sounds that is said to help change the vibrations or frequency you are on to elevate you to a higher one. Overall, to summarize my major points, the soul undergoes a process of elevation. To elevate, the soul must become in alignment with its higher self by learning different lessons. Through these lessons, you can create good or bad karma. The karma you create will affect how many lessons you learn in life and whether you will incarnate again. If you have good karma and your soul has elevated, I do believe that you elevate to a higher consciousness or plane and will not incarnate on earth.


  1. Malika,
    Thank you for sharing. If I’m understanding you, all animate objects have a soul. When I die if I were reincarnated into a wasp, what lessons would I learn as a wasp that would elevate me to the next level?
    Every year, millions of women miscarry. For reincarnation, is a soul created at conception? If that is true, what lessons will the fertilized cells learn or will they simply pass into the next body.
    I would love for you to expand on the concept of karma and give some examples. Is it something that develops during a being’s life. Can you begin with bad karma and later end with good karma and vice versa? For example, Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria, has been accused of gas attacks on women and children in his own country. Can his karmic debt be greater now than the soul of the body he previously inhabited?

    1. That is a good question Don. As a wasp, I would not know because I have no clue on the way an insect would think. Lol but that wasp could serve a purpose for stinging someone and that having an affect on that individuals life, etc. Something like a ripple effect if that makes sense. Everything being seemingly connected. If someone miss carries a child, look at the effects that would have on the person carrying, how has it shaped them as a being? What did they take from the experience? To expand on karma, yes you can have bad karma and end with good karma. It is all based upon the choices you make during your life. Are you learning lessons or repeating mistakes? The more good you give into the world, the more universe will return to you. Look at it like a cause and effect. If your causes are bad, the effect will be bad. But if your causes are good, your effects will be good. I hope that makes sense.

    2. Yes, his karmic debt will be greater, Karma follows you if it is unresolved in the life that you have previously lived.

  2. I really like your post! It touched on a topic I am fairly unfamiliar with (soul elevation), and i enjoyed reading about it. Although I am a little unsure of the idea of yoga/meditation helping to elevate the soul. Is the idea that the meditation is directly elevating ones soul? Also, do you know the significance behind why sage specifically is supposed to help rid negative energy? My only experience with it is seeing people burn sage in movies and such and they never explain how sage is supposed to purify. Thanks for posting!

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it! Meditation is a tool used to silence the mind and connect one with their higher self. In society, we have so many distractions that prohibit us from being able to look within for guidance. Using meditation, you can clear your mind, heal past pain, etc. because the mind is still. If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, it goes to show how powerful the mind is. To expand, our thoughts influence our choices and our feelings. Like taking a bath to stay clean, we need to meditate to clutter our mind and focus. I watched a video, I cant remember by who but they said "we sit in silence for 9 months in your mother's womb. We should be able to grant ourselves 5 minutes of silence as adults." referring to meditation. I do not know why sage specifically rids negative energy but I do know that it has been used for thousands of years.

  3. Fascinating topic, but statements about souls, chakras, vibrations etc. prefaced by "I feel... I believe..." and the like are met skeptically by freethinkers. What elements in the Hindu tradition can you point to that might address that skepticism? What universal human experiences offer evidentiary support for such apparently supernatural speculations? Please include links to relevant sources, and some visual content.

    1. There are people that I know personally who work with chakra healing and Reiki healing. If you look through history, the ancient Chinese, Indians, and Africans used a variety of spiritual systems to connect with the ancestors. One of which is called a divination. Which I have had experience with as well. Everything discussed in my first installment I have had experience with. Often time in society, people look to place "paranormal" things in a box and says that if their is no evidence it is nit true. For me, experience is the best teacher. There is no way to know that these are true individually until you experience it for yourself. (In regards to the skeptics)

  4. I'm a huge fan of Bollywood films, and recently I was watching one that focused on reincarnation (Om Shanti Om). It made me wonder why some people would be able to remember their past life while others could not. Do you know if there is a written explanation for this?

    1. There are explanations, I think it just depends on the individual and if they are seeking to know if they have lived before. Fears, likes, places you would love to visit, strange obsession with objects, colors, food, cultures, etc. Can be indications that you have lived in a previous life.
