Friday, February 18, 2022

Questions FEB 22

Ethics, obligations, justice. RR 7-8. PRESENTATION: Gary, "My Two Weeks With the Atheists of Prague"

1. What practical question do pragmatists prefer to what traditional question?

2. What may be "the best single mark of our progress toward a full-fledged human rights culture"? 

3. RR asks if we could replace "justice" with what?

4. The problematic dichotomy of reason vs. feeling would begin to fade away, says RR, if we thought of reason as what?


  • Do we differ from other animals simply in our complexity (due to our having evolved a capacity for language)? Is that an accurate summary of Darwinian evolution? 126
  • Do you agree with Rorty about what the utilitarians got right and wrong? 128
  • Is Hume "the woman's moral philosopher"? 130
  • Is the desire for the authority of divine commands and Kantian imperatives a response to a model of self-as-psychopath? 131
  • Is faith in the human community the only "secular equivalent of faith in God"? 132
  • Will morality and obligation ever drop out of our language? 133-4
  • How would you relate rationality to moral progress? Are sensitivity, sympathy, and more inclusive community more important than rationality? Are they related? 135-6
  • Does Heidegger's bad moral character obviously not count against his philosophical achievement? 138
  • Do you like the way RR defines social construction? 139
  • Is imaginative re-description what drives cultural evolution? 142
  • Is RR right that we'd not worry so much about speciesism if our own species were existentially threatened by another? 145
  • Do you agree that being rational is the same activity as acquiring a larger loyalty? 155
  • Should we be more ethnocentric and less universalist, when advocating for western values like religious toleration, women's equality, gay rights etc.? 157

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