Saturday, February 12, 2022

Darwin On Moral Intelligence

Happy Darwin Day!

…As Darwin showed, our moral intelligence is part of humankind's evolving social nature as an animal species. Darwin also claimed, presciently, that the moral sense should extend beyond humans to care for 'the lower animals' and 'all sentient beings'. It has taken over a century for us to learn how profoundly right he was. Morality, we now understand, should reinforce the ecological interdependency of humans and other species.

The time has come for philosophy to fully recognize the depth and grandeur of Darwin's naturalistic view of morality, society, intelligence and evolution. For it can help us understand our moral obligations, not only to each other but also to the "endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful" that evolve around and within us.

Darwin On Moral Intelligence | Issue 71 | Philosophy Now


    Charles Darwin Wife / Spouse
    Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was a British scientist who revolutionized the world of his time with his ideas of biologic evolution through natural selection. He explained all his theories in his book The Origin of Species (1859), in which he evokes numerous examples from nature that justify his ideas. Darwin believed that all species have evolved through a process of natural selection and that they have a common ancestor. The scientific contributions of this British naturalist have greatly influenced science to this day. Several factors influenced his successful scientific career. One of those factors was Charles Darwin wife, Emma Darwin. She was a fabulous woman who supported Darwin unconditionally throughout his life.
    Knowing Emma Darwin
    Emma Darwin, also known as Emma Wedgwood, (1808-1896) was a well-to-do Englishwoman, raised under the teachings of the Anglican religion. She spent most of her life in a boarding school where she received the best education. After finishing high school, she went on a trip to Europe with her parents and siblings. Thanks to that trip, she was enriched culturally because she attended concerts and plays starring great artists of the time. Upon returning from her trip, she turned down several marriage proposals because she had to take care of her mother and older sister, both of whom were seriously ill.
    The beginning of the love story
    While Emma divided her time between caring for her sick mother and sisters and traveling around Europe, Charles Darwin worked on various geological research projects. Emma and Charles were cousins, but that did not stop them from falling in love. There is not much information about the beginning of their relationship, but it is known that Darwin liked his cousin for a long time. One day he showed up at Emma’s house and proposed to her. She accepted and they were married on November 11, 1838. At first they lived in London, but then they moved to a mansion in the county of Kent.
    A question of faith
    Charles Darwin spouse was educated under the Anglican religion and was a woman of deep faith. Emma Darwin clung to her religious beliefs to get through difficult circumstances, as it gave her inner peace. Charles Darwin, on the other hand, was an agnostic. Agnosticism has no concrete definition of God, as there is no evidence for or against his existence. Darwin only believed in what he saw and what he could prove. Despite this difference in religious concepts, the couple respected each other and the subject did not cause quarrels within the marriage.

    1. Actually Charles returned from his five years on the Beagle still considering joining the Anglican Church as a country vicar. His agnosticism, evidenced by statements indicating that the question of god was too large for the human mind to grasp, was largely due to the tragic loss of his daughter Annie to disease in childhood.

      A propos Valentines Day, the Darwins' marriage was quite a nice and endurng love story. Charles' deliberations about whether to marry, though, are pretty funny...
