Monday, July 19, 2021

The Best Books on Humanism | Five Books Expert Recommendations

What is 'humanism?' Is it just another word for atheism?

It's not just another word for atheism. The word 'humanism', like all words with long histories, has had lots of meanings at different times in different places. In English, it started being used in the 19th century. Since then, it's had two uses. One is a historical one, to refer back to the culture and scholarship of the Renaissance. We usually call that 'Renaissance humanism'.

The second use of the word has been to refer to a non-religious worldview: a set of beliefs and values that together constitute a certain approach to life. The precise content of those beliefs and values is up for debate and up for negotiation—just like any idea in the history of ideas. But, broadly speaking, humanists are people who don't look outside of reality for moral guidance or ways to understand the universe. They try to understand the world that we live in by the use of reason, evidence, and experience all bundled together in the scientific method...
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