Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, February 1, 2018


We'll sign up in class for midterm group reports, in groups of 2 or 3. Indicate the topic & text you want to work on, if you have one in mind. If not, just put down your name. We'll take time during class for uncommitteds to get together and discuss topical possibilities. 

Reports will take the form of 15-minute presentations (or longer), plus discussion (be sure to give us at least a couple of discussion questions) and a quiz over your presentation (and over any material you'd like to assign for us to read in advance). Be relevant, interesting, and provocative. Have fun.

Groups, post 10+ pages of relevant text OR a link thereto, AND a 6+ question quiz on your report, at least a day prior to your designated reporting date; see "Step By Step Instructions to Embed a PDF On Blogger" below.

A bonus run to the group that volunteers to go first, a week from today (Feb 8).
  • FEB 13 Kathryn Modine
  • MAR 20 Ashley Rice - Fantasyland by Kurt Andersen 
  • FEB 27 Logan Mize, Marcus Strode, 
  • FEB 22 Garrett Phay, James Adcock, "Speaking to god and spiritual experience"
  • MAR 1  Lucas Byrd, Raine McKee 
  • FEB 15 Nora Alzirgani, Malika, and jonathan maxwell (Life After Death)
  • MAR 15 Alex Old
  • FEB 8 Skye Irish and Donald Enss--Reasons Why People Believe in God - VOLUNTEER
  • MAR 15 Nick Marion
  • MAR 13 Brandon Benson and Mat Case 


  1. I was not in class on Thursday. I am interested in presenting what happens after death or where does the soul go when it dies.

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