Friday, June 2, 2023

What is humanism? - Humanists International

Across the world, the number of non-religious people is growing all the time. It is estimated there are 1.17 billion people in the world who are religiously unaffiliated, which means they identify as atheists, agnostics or describe their religion as "nothing in particular."

  • Humanists are non-religious people who strive to lead fulfilling, meaningful and ethical lives, using reason and empathy to guide their decisions and actions. 
  • Humanists base their understanding of the world on reason and science, rejecting supernatural or divine beliefs. 
  • Humanists reject all forms of racism and prejudice, and believe in living in harmony with one another, respecting everyone's human rights, including the right to freedom of religion and belief. 
  • Humanists believe we have a responsibility to respect and care for one another, and to protect the natural world.

While the definition of humanism may vary slightly between organizations and groups, the Amsterdam Declaration serves as the definitive guiding principles of modern humanism for everyone in our global community.

Download your free guide: What is humanism? …

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