Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Utah Republicans are furious schools banned the Bible to comply with their book-banning law

Earlier this month, in one of the funniest repercussions from the right-wing book-banning crazy, the KJV Bible was removed from the shelves in one Utah school district after an unnamed parent said it violated a law prohibiting school books with "pornographic or indecent" content.

Republican lawmakers in the state are now furious that their attempts to censor certain books have ensnared their personal favorite book in the process.

A quick recap in case you need it: Last year, Utah lawmakers passed a bill paving the way for the banning of school books that contain "pornographic or indecent" content. Those words, however, were not defined, allowing right-wing groups to declare just about anything they don't like as unfit for kids.

That's why it was amusing when at least one parent moved to get the Bible on that list... Hemant Mehta

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