Tuesday, December 14, 2021

John Gray, anti-humanist

"Darwin showed that humans are like other animals, humanists claim they are not. Humanists insist that by using our knowledge we can control our environment and flourish as never before. In affirming this, they renew one of Christianity's most dubious promises–that salvation is open to all. The humanist belief in progress is only a secular version of this Christian faith. In the world shown us by Darwin, there is nothing that can be called progress. To anyone reared on humanist hopes this is intolerable. As a result, Darwin's teaching has been stood on its head, and Christianity's cardinal error–that humans are different from all other animals–has been given a new lease on life." — Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals by John Gray
Refutation of John Gray's anti-humanismIn his 2018 book Seven Types of Atheism, John Gray gives his understanding and opinions on seven ways that Western thinkers have fashioned worldviews free of Western monotheism. Gray rejects secular humanism as an attractive worldview, additionally rejecting four other manifestations of atheism. We believe Gray's rejection of secular humanism is poorly founded and merits debate... secularhumanism.org

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