Sunday, May 9, 2021

A tangled web

I've become an atheist, but most of my family is Catholic. I love my sister very much, but we're not in the habit of sharing our views on things like religion or politics. So far as she knows, I'm still Catholic.

She recently had a child, and I was very honored to be named the baby's godmother. However, my sister's very strict Catholic parish allows only "practicing" Catholics to be godparents. There's a form you must submit from your parish (signed by your priest) as proof of your participation. I probably should have come clean then, but I didn't want to have my godmother status revoked. So I figured I would sign up with a new parish, become a member and do whatever I needed to do (go to church a few times, whatever) to get it done. 

Because of Covid, the parish waived all the things they normally do when bringing in a new member: tours of the parish, meeting with the priest, etc. Everyone I talked to was extremely nice. After a few days, they made me a member and signed the godparent form from the other church.

So I was able to be godmother at my niece's baptism. I figured all was well, and I could just forget about it. But now an individual from the church I signed up with has reached out wanting to talk about my faith needs and about how I want to get involved when things open up again. I feel bad. Catholicism is just not part of my life anymore, and I feel bad lying to them. Should I just tell them the truth and thank them for their time? Ignore it and hope they forget? Or go to church a few times and do whatever else to make amends? Name Withheld

—Oh, dear. The amount of weaving that went into this tangled web of well-meaning deception...
👣Solvitur ambulando
💭Sapere aude

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