Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Group 1 Presentation: On Faith

Placeholder for Group 1's presentation.  

In short, my presentation is about the justification of faith as an epistemology.

Sources are Science and Religion: Are They Compatible by Daniel Dennett and Alvin Plantinga, Ethics Without God by Kai Nielsen, and A Manual for Creating Atheists by Peter Boghossian.

Instructions per Dr. Oliver:

Groups, prior to your report day please post a summary indicating your report topic, each group member's contribution, and suggested readings, relevant websites, etc. On report day, please print that summary, have all group members sign it, and turn it in to me.


  1. (not sure if you're looking for us to post here, but either way): I'll be talking about the Illusion/Delusion divide, as examined by myself as well as Owen Flanagan and others. I will attempt to show how various types of faith can come down on either side of that debate. Finally, I will attempt to answer the question "should we get rid of all faith?"

  2. I'll be discussing the historic understanding of faith in Tradition of Christianity, and highlighting its variations throughout the ages. Also, I will at least touch on the historic relationship between science and Christian religion.

    Sources of Interest:

    -----Reasonable Faith, by William Lane Craig: http://www.amazon.com/Reasonable-Faith-Christian-Truth-Apologetics/dp/1433501155/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1393449473&sr=1-1&keywords=reasonable+faith

    -----William Lane Craig's website:


    -----St. Augustine's writings:


    If I have more to add, I will post another comment!

    1. Origen of Alexandria,


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'll also do a brief wrap-up at the end of the presentation to tie it all together and to transition to opening the floor for questions.

  4. An Epistemological Observation of John Lennon’s Views Regarding Faith

    “I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?” –John Lennon- Is it justifiable to believe in all things until they are disproven? Can things exist only in our minds? Are dreams and nightmares as real as the here and now? How does all of this tie into faith?



    Just a couple relevant links

  5. An Enquiry into the Personal Acquisition of Reasonable Faith and a Consideration of the Illusory Nature of Reality:

    I aim to ask these questions and to elaborate my own responses in kind:
    1. What is faith within reason?
    2. What is the nature of human experience?
    3. What is maya in the Eastern philosophical sense of the word?

    Links to relevant information:

    Stanford Prison Experiment: http://www.prisonexp.org/psychology/31

    Learned Helplessness Experiment:

    Consciousness Research: http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/experiments.html

  6. I'll be examining faith as a necessary contribution to healthy life.

    There are many different points of life where faith is almost (in my opinion) mandatory.

    The idea of faith does not have to be defined within the construct of religion.

  7. Well done, Group 1. You had much of the faith spectrum covered, from Jamey's W.K. Clifford view ("it's wrong to believe without evidence") to Jon's pragmatic pluralism to the implied faith in belief (whether secular or woo-ey) that many of you seemed to endorse.

    One perspective remained unaddressed, unless I missed it: John Dewey's "common faith"-a faith in as-yet-unachieved human and humane ideals for which we may work, rather than in allegedly actual (but evidentially unsupported) supernatural realities we may merely ponder and worship.

    “Men have gone on to build up vast intellectual schemes, philosophies, and theologies, to prove that ideals are not real as ideals but as antecedently existing actualities. They have failed to see that in converting moral realities into matters of intellectual assent they have evinced lack of moral faith. Faith that something should be in existence as far as lies in our power is changed into the intellectual belief that it is already in existence. When physical existence does not bear out the assertion, the physical is subtly changed into the metaphysical. In this way, moral faith has been inextricably tied up with intellectual beliefs about the supernatural.” John Dewey, "A Common Faith"
