Saturday, October 8, 2022

Your time is everything

The philosopher Martin Hägglund believes that atheism is a path to a more meaningful life, as well as political and economic transformation.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Pagans in middle TN

Nashville is known as the Buckle on the Bible Belt. However, the city is home to a diversity of religions and traditions, including paganism.

In today's episode of This is Nashville, we're joined by a pair of community leaders to learn more about Pagan Pride Day and what it means to be pagan in a traditionally Christian area. Then, we'll hear from solo practitioners about how they found paganism, and how they discuss their spirituality with their family and friends. (Begins approx. 8 minutes into the program)

Lucy Jameson, Wiccan and coordinator of Nashville Pagan Pride Day
Deb Moore, Interfaith Minister of Unity of Music City
Harmonie Dingui, solitary witch and former evangelical Christian
Addie Lopshire-Bratt, raised and practicing Wiccan