Friday, November 27, 2020

Evil God (?) & free will

Here's my Evil God: The Movie (3 minute intro to problem of evil - useful classroom resource!)

Why I'm a humanist

I'm a #humanistbecause apart from the existence of J.S. Bach, there is no plausible evidence for God's existence, and plenty against there being anything but Spinoza's God. We might as well try and make the most of the cards we haven't been dealt but find ourselves holding.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Monday, November 9, 2020


In 2016, the list of elected state legislators who publicly identified as atheists or humanists grew to 17, and after the 2018 election to 47. In 2021, there will be record-breaking 63 nontheist elected officials at the federal and state level.

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